Saturday, July 7, 2012

So, umm, it's been a while.

So, umm, yeah.  I think it's been while, like, a really long while.  So, this is just going to be a really random blog, just as a fore-warning.  Quite a bit has happened since my last post: school let out, my brother graduated, I got a new laptop (yay!), and I made a resolution to finish my novel over the summer but that's not going very well because my mom's been working everyworking me and my brothers really hard trying to move (it's awful).  So, this is going to seem completely random but I'm sitting here watching The Proposal as I type this and I have some questions/thoughts: 1) Isn't Betty White amazing in just about everything?  2) What's Kevin's (the dog's) problem with Magrett? 3) Why does Ramone have, like three different jobs in the movie, it seems a little ridiculous? 4) And, finally, who takes up hallowing out a canoe as a hobby?

Okay, so my friend discovered these amazing books called The Emperor's Edge by Lindsay Buroker and they are absolutely amazing!  (She was kind of mad though because when she downloaded the first one  it wasn't free.)  They're about this past distopia where this girl, Amaranthe (there tends to be really, really weird names), is sent on a suicide mission ( if I told you the reason it wouldn't make any sense at all, I promise, my friend tried to tell me and I was thoroughly confused until I read the book) after this assassin, Sicarius,who is totally awesome.  When she's framed for treason and suddenly hunted all throughout the Empire she makes the one ally she can, the one she never thought she would: Sicarius, the infamous assassin.  Of course, she recruits a band of misfits to help her with her scheme of counterfeiting - but you'll never guess why - to save the emperor.  It's a great book and there are three more secceeded books so far and a fifth one coming in September.  One last great thing about these books is that the author, Lindsay Buroker, is self-published so she gets her books out really fast and she responds to the emails that you send her.  All three of my friends that read the books before me sent an email to her and she's responded personally.  She actually sent a personized, signed copy of the first book to one of my friends so that she could give it to my other friend, it was pretty awesome.

One little, tiny side note before I go on and display some poetry I was forced to write over the last two years (plus one I recited and pretty much describes my whole life).  Yet again I'm sitting in front of the television watching a movie while typing this (people keep turning on movies and then deserting me in front of them) and this time it's Atlantis and I just thinking how awesome it would be to be one of the people on that expedition, minus the insane leader person, of course.  I totally think I would stay though, who wouldn't, I mean, there's no polution, no wars and you get to live for thousands of years without the downside of normal life-longetivety stories of having to outlive everyone you know.

Okay, so this poem I wrote a little less than two years ago when I had this amazing teacher that I adore (she recently got married and it is so weird referring to her by a different name).  It was adapted from another poem that I completely forget the name and author of (oops).

The School

During the day,
In your town,
On a mountian,
Beyond the fence,
Surrounded by trees,
Out of the way,
Among the rumors,
Under the sun,
Near the truth,
Across the street,
Never accepted,
About the grounds,
Next to the wilderness,
Close to innocense,
Above the conspiracy
a school runs.

This poem is by Jack Prelutsky and I just think it's really funny and easy to relate to.

Today is Very Boring

Today is very boring,
it's a very boring day,
there is nothing much to look at,
 there is nothing much to say,
there's a peacock on my sneakers,
there's a penguin on my head,
there's a dormouse on my doorstep,
I am going back to bed.

Today is very boring,
it is boring through and through,
there is absolutely nothing
I think I want to do,
I see giants riding rhinos
and an ogre with a sword,
there's a dragon blowing smoke rings,
I am positively bored.

Today is very boring,
I can hardly help but yawn,
there's a flying saucer landing
in the middle of my front lawn,
a valcano just erupted
less than half a mile away
and I think I felt an earthquake,
it's a very boring day.

This one, I was forced to write, along with two others, for Valentine's Day this year.  I actually ended up liking this poem though.

Without You

Lonely amid a sea of people,
Without your laughing presence by my side
Cold in a hundred degrees,
Without your hand in mine

Sleepless on a cloud,
Without your last goodnight leaving me with a smile
Silent to my favorite song,
Without your spontaneous solos
Listless with a pen in my hand,
Without your brand of "encouragement"

Without you I don't know
Am I lost? 
Or am I stuck?
Hopeless amongst a sky of lights,
Without your shining eyes